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Tummy trouble?

Leaky Gut? Ulcers? Indigestion? GERD? Heartburn? Food Intolerances? IBS? Reflux? Just ate too much at the buffet?

This tea is for you!

 Along with other gut healing protocols, this tea can be a powerful tool for restoring tissues in the GI tract, reducing inflammation, coating and soothing irritated mucus membranes, all the while chilling peristalsis, and moving gas along. Talk to your friendly neighborhood herbalist about how to get maximum benefit from this tea!


2.5oz loose leaf tea

Ingredients: Spearmint*, Chamomile*, Calendula*, Marshmallow Leaf and Root*,  Plantain*, Anise Hyssop*, Fennel Seed, Orange Peel*

*Certified Organic Ingredients 


These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. If pregnant, breastfeeding, or taking prescription medications consult a health professional before use.

Gut Rest

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